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Current Status

Current Status: Server Outage Alert
Our monitoring systems have alerted us of an issue in one of our severs for CGIT's projects and websites. This issue is causing some of these projects and websites to be unreachable for the time being. At the moment there is no estimated time for when these services will be up and running. We are working as fast as we can on a solution to this issue and will keep you posted. Please contact cgitsupport (at) with any questions.
Current Status: No system is reporting an issue
We constantly monitor our services and their related components. If there is ever a service interruption, a notification will be posted to this page. If you are experiencing problems not listed on this page, please contact us at: cgitsupport (at)
Planned Maintenance
August 1, 2018 - 8:00 pm EST  |  Server Maintenance  |  Expected Downtime: 15 mins.
There is no planned maintenance window at this time.